I’m Quite Offended

This is probably one of the most offensive articles I have ever read. I really encourage you all to read it and hear your opinions. Below the article I will post what my thoughts were about it. Again WARNING…most of you will absolutely hate this article and the person who wrote it.

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Click here to read. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

My thoughts on it:

I was definitely offended yet I understand he is trying to make a point. He could expressed his point in a different manner. In the article he mentions that Bruce Jenner came out as a transgender as a way to gain publicity and attention. In my opinion the author (Paul Carter) of this article was trying to do the same thing to get his thoughts heard.

As someone who struggles with an eating disorder it infuriated me that he said he wasn’t fat shaming but he was disgusted with it.He had no shame in calling a woman a “fat chick.” Excuse my vulgarness but should I just call him “short dick?” Calling someone fat hurts the other person. Makes them feel less of themselves and feel unworthy. I know that if someone called me a “fattie” I would cry, feel hopeless, and run back to my eating disorder because being called FAT means to me that I’m ugly and I would look better if I were thinner.

The article mentions that health at any size is bullshit. I am by no means overweight. I’m about xxxlbs but as an anorexic I have many days where I feel fat. I am at a healthy weight but I have done detrimental damage to my insides (heart, digestive system, etc). So, yes, I believe that to be a very true statement but from a different stand point.

So maybe Sports Illustrated had more motives then just to promote body positivity by putting a “plus size” (hate that term) model on the cover of their magazine. She felt beautiful in her own skin and thats something many us are still working on.”We must accept that plus sized women are sexy” stupid quote from the article. We don’t have to accept anything. Every one who has their own views on what sexy is.

I’m a firm believer that if you believe you’re beautiful it will radiate. If anything this article will make people feel even worse about themselves than they already do. There is beauty in everyone and it’s not just about their size.

First of all I don’t enjoy going to the gym. I find it boring. Second of all because of my eating disorder I wasn’t allowed to do any type of workout. But neither of those reasons make me lazy. If you have the drive to workout thats great. I much rather taking a few dances here and there but not because I want “workout” to change my body but because I truly enjoy dancing.

“People who go above and beyond, to accomplish something worth admiring are shamed due to the obscene degree of insecurity by those who lack the effort, willpower, and courage to follow suit.” I had to laugh at this quote because isn’t this what this whole article is about?! Total contradiction.

  These “courageous” and “brave” women are making a stance that they believe they are beautiful and no one can take that away from them. “Just because you put yourself in a position of possibly being judged for how you look, or open yourself up to being criticized, doesn’t make you a hero and it doesn’t make you brave.” Maybe it doesn’t but in my world posting a picture of myself weight restored took a lot of courage and I was brave enough to do it.

“Well fuck your feelings.  And fuck your body positivity voice. ” Well you know what Paul Carter you can go FUCK YOURSELF!

One thought on “I’m Quite Offended

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  1. This is beyond infuriating!!!

    Um how about the people with eating disorders as an excuse for people who would get upset?! Way to cut out a significant group!!

    I feel like he just invalidated all of my struggles!!! Everything I’m fighting against became worthless!!

    People who are thin like him and clearly never have had real problems do not understand societal pressures.

    It made me so sick I had to stop reading.

    It’s always the uneducated who seem to be the loudest.

    Liked by 1 person

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