28th Birthday Celebration

I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday. I got to spend it with Scott and everything was perfect.

We started our night at Williams Landing for drinks and food. I had a really hard time with dinner. I have been on antibiotics for almost 2 weeks and I just didn’t have an appetite. So I ate a quarter of the pizza we shared forcefully. ED was creeping his way in. And for most of the night all I could think of was the calories I was going to consume in alcohol but I didn’t want ED to keep me from having fun!


After dinner and drinks we took a complimentary shuttle bus to the Air Canada Centre to watch the Toronto Raptors play the Boston Celtics.


The best part was that it was Scott’s first Raptors game ever! My 2 favourite teams were playing and everything was just perfect!


Of course the Raptors won!!


Our view from our seats!

After the game we took the shuttle bus back to Williams Landing to enjoy more drinks and a complimentary cake for my birthday! I had a hard time enjoying the cake just because I kept calorie counting all night but I did eat some of it.


All in all I had a great night with one of my favourite people. Even though ED kept trying to creep in I did my best to keep him at bay.

Thank you Scott of an amazing night celebrating my 28th birthday!

9 Things to Know Before Dating a Girl With an Eating Disorder .WE’D LOVE TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!

Eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes, so don’t assume you know someone’s story before they’ve told you it themselves. People who suffer from eating disorders can’t just, …

Source: 9 Things to Know Before Dating a Girl With an Eating Disorder .WE’D LOVE TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!

2016 So Far…

I am happy to say that this was my first New Year’s that I got to spend with friends and not in a hospital! RECOVERY WIN!


I’ve been seeing this guy named Scott for a little over a month. He not my boyfriend…we are just dating and its good. We just have so much fun together!

Now because we are always going to eat and stuff I’ve gained weight and I feel so disgusted with myself. Its so tempting to go back to my maladaptive behaviours. I know its not healthy but I help these feelings. Hopefully they pass because I feel like I’m heading into a relapse 😦


Ive also started dancing again. I missed it soooooo much!


We had some drama with our male roommate to a point that we felt unsafe so we kicked him immediately. But before he left he call me a fat anorexic girl! I know I shouldn’t wallow in because some douche bag said it but I keep replaying over and over in my head.

And I leave you with this…

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2016 <3

I know its been a while since I have written anything but I will definitely write an update in the new year!

The last 2 New Years I rang in the New Year in the hospital. Either hooked up to a heart monitor or suffering a stroke.  I’m so grateful to say that this year I will be ring in 2016 it with friends. I have fought so hard this year to continue on this path of recovery. Not with out tears and lapses but I have pulled myself back up and believe that I have continued to persevere no matter if I took a step back here and there. I truly believe that I can not find the happiness I seek continuing being a prisoner of my eating disorder and  I refuse to let anorexia take one more happy moment away from me! I can’t wait to experience more happy moments in 2016.




Spreading Eating Disorder Awareness

I’m all for spreading eating disorder awareness but every time I see a new story in the news pictures of when the individual was at their sickest is always shown. Personally as someone who is struggling to stay in recovery I find that extremely triggering! I wish it would have a trigger warning at least so I can still read the story and get the message that recovery is possible.

Its great to see the pictures of when someone is in recovery because it gives me hope to continue to fight for recovery and continue the battle of feeling comfortable in my weight restored body.

Just my little rant while I sit at home having my daily dose of caffeine! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!


My Whole Truth

After speaking with a good friend who can relate to everything I have ever been through. I started to wonder why can I just tell my whole truth without people judging me? Now as I’m writing this I’m ridden with fear and fight back tears in panic of what people might think. Yes I shouldn’t care but that easier said than done.

When I share my story about being anorexic its because I want people to really see what its recovering from an eating disorder is really like. There is no such thing as a perfect recovery. I went to treatment over 2 years ago and I still have had my fair share of lapses and relapses. Anorexia is still a huge part of life and I still don’t know how to entirely live without it. However, I feel elated when people give me positive feedback because they relate to my stories and I feel happy that I am able to help others.

The thing is that people only know about my eating disordered life. It gives me anxiety to share the other parts of my mental health that ails me. I get this uneasiness that people will judge me, be scared of me, or forget that I am still that same girl who they have always known. I do all in my power to keep level headed so people don’t have to see this other side of me.


In November of 2013 I got diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I fear telling people about this part of my life because people jump to the conclusion that I have multiple personalities; which I DO NOT.  What is BPD you ask? Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness marked by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. Most people who suffer with the disorder have:

  • Problems with regulating emotions and thoughts
  • Impulsive and reckless behavior
  • Unstable relationships with other people.

Research on the possible causes and risk factors for BPD is still at a very early stage. However, scientists generally agree that genetic and environmental factors are likely to be involved.

Some of the symptoms that are caused by the disorder are:

  • Extreme reactions—including panic, depression, rage, or frantic actions—to abandonment, whether real or perceived
  • A pattern of intense and stormy relationships with family, friends, and loved ones, often veering from extreme closeness and love to extreme dislike or anger
  • Distorted and unstable self-image or sense of self, which can result in sudden changes in feelings, opinions, values, or plans and goals for the future (such as school or career choices)
  • Impulsive and often dangerous behaviors, such as spending sprees, unsafe sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, and binge eating
  • Recurring suicidal behaviors or threats or self-harming behavior, such as cutting
  • Intense and highly changeable moods, with each episode lasting from a few hours to a few days
  • Chronic feelings of emptiness and/or boredom
  • Inappropriate, intense anger or problems controlling anger
  • Having stress-related paranoid thoughts or severe dissociative symptoms, such as feeling cut off from oneself, observing oneself from outside the body, or losing touch with reality.

I bolded “recurring suicidal behaviours or threats or self harming behaviour, such as cutting” because that is something I have struggled with in my past.

In the past 2 years I have been hospitalized about 12 times because suicidal behaviour. Many time times for cutting and self harm and other times for drug overdoses. Some have been minor and others have been a close call. Because of these decisions my heart is weak and its something else I have to be careful with. Yes I did it to myself but its not something that I can not manage. Now please stop and don’t judge me for the decisions I made for trying to take my own life. What many people don’t understand is that its not about your loved ones its about that individual hurting so bad that they just want to stop the pain. I was in such painful turmoil that I felt like I had no other choice.

Do I regret the many times I decided to end my life? I do but I don’t. Without those painful moments where I thought I had nothing else to live for I ended up surviving. Those painful moments where temporary. Without pain I wouldn’t know that their is a bleak of happiness though it all.

After this whole ordeal I decided to seek treatment in a 20 week dialectal behavioural therapy group (helps with emotion regulation) and a year long suicide prevention group (which has helped me gain skills to get through my TEMPORARY suicidal thoughts. This groups have helped me immensely and I can now say that I am in a much better place in my life.

Recently I have also been diagnosed with Bipolar II. What is that? It means you’ve had at least one manic episode. The manic episode may be preceded by or followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes. Mania symptoms cause significant impairment in your life and may require hospitalization or trigger a break from reality.

  • A manic episode is a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood that lasts at least one week (or less than a week if hospitalization is necessary). The episode includes persistently increased goal-directed activity or energy.
  • A hypomanic episode is a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood that lasts at least four consecutive days.
  • Depressive episode  can be two-week period that represent a change from previous mood and functioning and is either in a depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure.

Along with anorexia, Borderline, and Bipolar Disorder; I also suffer from chronic depression and intense anxiety. Of course my life isn’t the easiest but I have learned how to manage thanks to a special team of clinicians that I am eternally grateful too.

There are still days where I am sad, days where I engage in eating disorder behaviours, days where my BPD flares up and doesn’t help with my bipolar tendencies, and days I feel unlovable and worthless but these days are only temporary.

On a lighter note I have been self harm free for a year and haven’t been hospitalized for suicide in over 6 months.

I hope this gives you a little more insight of how many cooccurring mental health issues can happen to one person. Don’t judge those who didn’t ask to have mental illness instead embrace the strength they have to continue living with all the hardships the go through.

Now I maybe judged for writing this but I know those who support me 100% will still be there for me ❤

Thanks for reading and stay strong!




I rifle quick moments
to scribble these words
that shatter my thoughts.

Thoughts that mean more
than behaviours displayed.
Convictions that are a perpetual disturbance.

Thoughts that whisper in my perception of self
Until I ultimately disappear.

By: Joanne Baltodano

Sorry I’ve been MIA

Sorry I’ve sort of disappeared for the last couple weeks. Its been a very stressful time at home and my ED has been creeping up on me a lot more lately. I felt very negative in the past few weeks and I didn’t feel like spreading the negativity to all of you lovely people.

I will say I have finally moved into my new condo and am very please to be in my own space. I feel elated. Like I have a new beginning. A new friendship with my new roommate where she can get to know me for me and not the girl with the eating disorder. A place to start fresh in my recovery after weeks of struggle.

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Although I had a few bad weeks of struggle I know I haven’t failed at recovery because I still strive for it.

First selfie in my new condo!


I hope all of you ED warriors stay strong.

Living Out of a Suitcase = Stressful Mess 4 ED & BPD

About one month ago I left my apartment where I lived alone with my pup Charlie. For 2 weeks I lived alone with Charlie at my parents condo. At that point living out of a suitcase was okay but I was ready to go home. I spent 1 week at home before finding out that my lease was up/broken and I only had 2 days to pack up my entire apartment. With no where to go I was again forced to pack a suitcase for me and Charlie and go live with my parents.

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If that wasn’t stressful enough finding a place to live in one month with a new budget was turning my hair grey. Its in my nature to feel completely overwhelmed in a time limited situation. I was also forced to realize that I have to do the roommate thing. My eating disorder naturally freaked out and I started to cry. I felt like the situation would be hopeless and that new potential new roommates would judge me for it. Now that I was not only stressed out but I was feeling hopeless and my BPD (borderline personality disorder) was starting to flare up.

Finally after one week…yes one week that felt like a life time…I found a condo that I really liked in same area that I was currently living in. Now my job was to find roommates and that feeling of hopelessness plagued me. Within a week I met one potential roommate who has struggled with ED (coincidently) but that didn’t work out and then I met another potential roommate and we got along well. So I now have my new condo with my new roommate ready to be moved in on Nov.22!


Since I started living out of a suitcase I have been on an ED roller coaster. One day I was engaging and the next day I wasn’t, but it wasn’t until my parents came home from their trip that I started to feel out of control. My restriction was happening more often, my drinking became more of a regular thing, and I was bottling up all my feelings that I felt like I was about to lose control. Back tracking a bit…My relationship with my parents isn’t great. Its more stressful than anything. I constantly hear “you’re a fuck up” without those words actually being used.

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Monday night I felt incredibly anxious more so than I felt in a long time. I felt unsafe. A feeling I haven’t felt in over 6 months. I was suffocating. I still didn’t say a word about how I was feeling. Yesterday I got to see my therapist and I had a major meltdown in her office. I felt like my parents and I were living on top of each other. I was sleeping on the couch and felt like I was never alone nor did I have any privacy. I felt like I was being constantly criticized. The tears just wouldn’t stop and my therapist asked me what do I need in order to feel better/safe. I told her I needed to leave. In fear of history repeating itself (a dark downward spiral) my therapist agreed. So last night I left on a train to visit a friend who lives 2hrs away from Toronto.

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I had to wait about 5 hours after my therapy session to leave and I was in serious panic. My friend Matt was at work but he was there supporting through text. Finally I was able to leave and breathe again. I am so thankful to have found a friend who tries to understand my struggles. A friend who graciously told me that I could stay at his house for a couple days knowing it would give me a mental break. He works every day that I am here but it gives me time to be alone during the day and have time I have been craving and then seeing a friendly face when he gets home.

Thank you Matt! ❤


Today I slept in which has happened in over a week because of the overwhelming anxiety. I ate adequate meals at the appropriate meal times and have this feeling of calm. I woke up relieved. Just leaving the city feels like I don’t have to think about all the stressful situations that I have been dealing with. So yes I am still living out of a suitcase but in over a month of living out of a rolling box I finally feel relief. So I give myself a high five for staying ED free, alcohol free, and mindfully keeping my emotions regulated.

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The only downside to my little getaway is that I didn’t get to bring my little furball Charlie! But I will see him in a couple days!

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