Body Shaming

Can you remember a time when you were in public and didn’t hear someone body shame themselves or others?! I can’t and its so unfortunate and sad! I wish I heard people talking more positively about their body image. It literally could change the world view on body image.

I was out the other night and one of the people in the group I was in commented on how this girl in front him had thighs that touch and that they were gross. As someone who suffers from anorexia I immediately got self conscious and looked down and checked my thighs and they touch too. Does that mean my friend thinks I’m gross? Just one comment; not even about me completely changed the way I felt that night. I felt sick to my stomach and I just wanted to go home. My peer isn’t a bad person nor did he ever think I would feel like my heart is about to pop out of my body because I was ridden in anxiety. He was being just like everyone else in our society. Body shaming has become such a norm. I’m so tired of body shaming myself or caring how others perceive me. It doesn’t make me happy. S

Sorry for the rant.


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